2025 Philippines Premier Ball League

Event2024-25 Philippines Premier Ball League VG Division
LocationPHL Pasay, Philippines
Date26–27 October 2024
Attendance69 players
VideogamePokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet
Season2025 Season – VGC Regulation Set H
Format6 Bo1 Swiss rounds + Bo3 single-elimination Top 16
Open team lists, including Nature
OrganizerPokémon TPC (Philippines)

Check the organizer’s website here for further info!

Table of Contents

Teams and results

Top cut

14-2PHLRick Singzon
R1 to R3 byes
at MBL
MurkrowTatsugiri CurlyDondozoSneaslerGholdengoDragapult
25-1PHLPatrick Jan Cabangin
R1 & R2 byes
at MBL
MurkrowDelphoxIndeedee MaleSneaslerGholdengoDragapult
36-0PHLRyan Chua
R1 bye
at MBL
AmoongussDelphoxIndeedee FemaleSneaslerTyranitarDragapult
44-2PHLRyan Pareja
R1 bye
at MBL
AmoongussIncineroarDragoniteGarchompNinetales AlolaKingambit
55-1PHLIvan Jingco
AmoongussVolcaronaGholdengoGrimmsnarlTyranitarUrsaluna Bloodmoon
65-1PHLJoseph Otom
AmoongussIncineroarBasculegion MaleMaushold ThreePelipperArchaludon
74-2PHLMark Elumbra
(Omega Mark)
MeowscaradaUrsaluna BloodmoonPrimarinaMaushold FourPelipperArchaludon
84-2PHLLeonard Trillana
96-0PHLRoid Blancaflor
WhimsicottUrsaluna BloodmoonBasculegion MaleMaushold ThreePelipperArchaludon
105-1PHLFonzell Mendoza
MeowscaradaDecidueye HisuiPrimarinaSneaslerIndeedee MaleSylveon
115-1PHLJasper Dee
AmoongussIncineroarBasculegion MaleMaushold FourPelipperArchaludon
124-2PHLJade Nulot
134-2PHLFrancis Bion
Indeedee FemaleArmarougePrimarinaDecidueye HisuiPorygon2Ursaluna
144-2PHLPaul Oliver Bautista
154-2PHLRap Perez
AnnihilapeVolcaronaDragoniteGrimmsnarlGholdengoUrsaluna Bloodmoon
164-2PHLAlvin Rambano
SmeargleTorkoalIndeedee FemaleGalladeWeezingBraviary Hisui


This event is unfortunately not streamed.

Venue and schedule

The tournament is held at the following location:

Philippine International Convention Center
PICC Complex, 1307 Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Players must be in the venue by 26 October at 10 am PST (02:00 UTC) for the check-in and registration. The tournament starts at 11:45 am (03:45 UTC) with the best-of-1 Swiss rounds.

Players qualified to Top 16 must be in the venue by 27 October at 10 am PST (02:00 UTC).


This event is part of the 2025 official TPC circuit in the Philippines. The best players earn a guaranteed spot and round byes in the Master Ball League later in the season.

ChampionGuaranteed spot at the Master Ball League
Rounds 1 to 3 byes
at the Master Ball League
FinalistGuaranteed spot at the Master Ball League
Rounds 1 & 2 byes at the Master Ball League
SemifinalistsGuaranteed spot at the Master Ball League
Round 1 bye at the Master Ball League


The Philippines Premier Ball League is an official TPC Regional-level event for Pokémon VGC. It is the only Regional-level event of the 2025 season in the Filipino circuit.

It is the first major tournament held in the Philippines not to be the National Championships.

The ruleset is VGC Regulation Set H, and it is played using open team lists.

A little bit of history

The Philippines has been one of the regions hosting an the official TPC circuit since June 2020, and it was part of the Oceania region of the official TPCI circuit before that. Since the TPC takeover, it has taken part in Asia online tournaments, such as the Asia Players Cup, and has hosted the first-ever live event in 2022, the National Championship. The Philippines’ greatest VGC success is in the hands of American-Filipino Paul Chua, who made it to the semifinals of the 2022 World Championships and won the 2023 Europe International Championships.

The most recent tournament held in the Philippines was the 2024 Philippines National Championships, played in Taguig with the VGC Regulation Set F in May 2024. The finals saw Filipino Paul Bautista defeat fellow countryman Vincent Ignacio to win his first National title!

Sign-up instructions

This tournament is open only to residents of the Philippines.

Sign-ups are free and they are open from 26 September at 10 am PST (02:00 UTC) until 11 October at 11:59 pm (15:59 UTC). There are 144 spots for all age divisions.

Victory Road