2025 San Juan Special Championships

Event2025 San Juan Special Championships
LocationPRI Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
Date15–16 February 2025
Attendance98 players (MA)
VideogamePokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet
Season2025 Season – VGC Regulation Set G
Format6 Day 1 Swiss rounds + 2 Day 2 Swiss rounds + asymmetrical top cut
Open team lists
OrganizerDMK Esports

Check the organizer’s website here for further info!

Table of Contents

Teams and results

Top cut

17-1USAHunter Braum
2025 Worlds
350 CP
KyogreAmoongussIncineroarUrshifu RapidRillaboomRoaring Moon
27-1USAEric Bush
(Eric B.)
325 CP
Zamazenta CrownedAmoongussPelipperUrshifu RapidChien PaoRaging Bolt
36-2USAVijay Sood
300 CP
Terapagos TerastalClefairySylveonMeowscaradaTinkatonZapdos Galar
46-2USAPatrick Connors
300 CP
Calyrex IceAmoongussPelipperUrshifu RapidLandorus IncarnateRaging Bolt
56-2MEXKenneth Gamboa
280 CP
Calyrex IceAmoongussIncineroarUrshifu RapidLandorus IncarnateRaging Bolt
66-2USANoah Gardner
280 CP
Zacian CrownedDittoIncineroarUrshifu RapidLandorus IncarnateTornadus Incarnate
76-2PRIKenneth de Jesus
280 CP
Zamazenta CrownedAmoongussEnteiUrshifu SingleChien PaoFlutter Mane
86-2PRIJean Lebron
280 CP
GroudonWhimsicottOgerpon HearthflameUrshifu SingleWeezing GalarRaging Bolt
97-1PRIMario Figueroa
160 CP
Zamazenta CrownedTing LuOgerpon HearthflameDondozoChien PaoRaging Bolt
107-1USASam Pletcher
160 CP
KoraidonBrute BonnetArmarougeFlutter ManeChien PaoRaging Bolt
116-2USADavid Rosemon
160 CP
KyogreAmoongussIncineroarUrshifu RapidRillaboomRoaring Moon
126-2USADavid Harupa
160 CP
MiraidonFarigirafIncineroarUrshifu RapidOgerpon HearthflameChien Pao
136-2CHNWu Yichun
160 CP
Calyrex IceAmoongussLandorus IncarnateUrshifu RapidOgerpon HearthflameRoaring Moon
146-2USASean Binek
160 CP
MiraidonGholdengoChi YuDondozoTatsugiri CurlyDragonite

Day 2 Swiss rounds

Check here to see the seeds for top cut from the Day 2 Swiss standings!

155-3PRISergio Mojica
160 CP
Calyrex IceSmeargleTorkoalUrshifu SingleOgerpon CornerstoneFarigiraf
165-3USAJune Lintner
160 CP
Calyrex IceIndeedee FemaleTorkoalUrshifu SingleOgerpon CornerstoneFlutter Mane
175-3PRIDiego Parga
125 CP
MiraidonWhimsicottFarigirafUrshifu RapidOgerpon HearthflameIron Hands
185-3USAPiero Ochoa
125 CP
MiraidonWhimsicottFarigirafUrshifu RapidOgerpon HearthflameIron Hands
195-3USAChase Matteo
125 CP
KyogreTsareenaTornadus IncarnateUrshifu RapidRillaboomChien Pao
205-3PRIChristopher Cordero
125 CP
KoraidonDittoChi YuFlutter ManeOgerpon CornerstoneRaging Bolt
215-3PRIAlexavier Alvarez
125 CP
Calyrex IceAmoongussLandorus IncarnateUrshifu RapidOgerpon HearthflameRoaring Moon
225-3USAJoey McNatt
125 CP
Terapagos TerastalRillaboomIncineroarClefairyTornadus IncarnateRaging Bolt
235-3USARohan Muthukumar
125 CP
Zacian CrownedIndeedee FemaleLandorus IncarnateOgerpon WellspringTornadus IncarnateRegidrago
245-3USAMatthew Gendreau
125 CP
Calyrex ShadowSmeargleClefairyUrshifu RapidTornadus IncarnateRillaboom
255-3USARich Cuddy
125 CP
Calyrex ShadowWeezing GalarRoaring MoonOgerpon CornerstoneTatsugiri DroopyDondozo
265-3PRIAidan Soto
125 CP
Calyrex ShadowWeezing GalarRoaring MoonUrshifu RapidOgerpon HearthflameRaging Bolt
274-4USALogan Martinez
125 CP
Terapagos TerastalTornadus IncarnateGrimmsnarlUrshifu RapidOgerpon HearthflameRaging Bolt
284-4PERDavid Wong
125 CP
Zamazenta CrownedAmoongussChi YuFlutter ManeDittoChien Pao
294-4VIRJahnoi Wilson
(J. D. Ripper)
125 CP
Terapagos TerastalFarigirafEnteiUrshifu SingleOgerpon WellspringRaging Bolt
304-4USAVictor Pham
125 CP
Calyrex ShadowWeezing GalarIndeedee FemaleUrshifu RapidTatsugiri DroopyDondozo
314-4USALeigh Huckabee
125 CP
Calyrex ShadowRillaboomIndeedee FemaleUrshifu RapidOgerpon WellspringTornadus Incarnate
324-4PRIOscar Fournier
125 CP
GroudonVolcaronaGouging FireIron ValiantChien PaoRaging Bolt

All players with 2 or fewer losses advance to Day 2!


The event is broadcast live on YouTube by Caribbean Gamer, in Spanish.

Day 1

Day 2

Venue and schedule

The tournament is held in the following location:

Coliseo Rubén Zayas Montañez
47 Calle Muñoz Rivera
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico 00976

It was originally planned to take place in STEM Success Center Dewey University, in Carolina, but it was changed on 14 December 2024.

Check-in can be done in advance on Friday 14 February from 14:00 to 17:00 AST, or early on Saturday from 11:00 AST.

Players must be in the venue by 15 February at 12:00 AST (16:00 UTC) for the players meeting. The tournament starts thereafter with the Day 1 Swiss rounds.

Players qualified to Day 2 must be in the venue on 16 February at 11:00 AST (15:00 UTC) for the team checks. The Day 2 Swiss rounds and the top cut will be played thereafter.


This event is part of the 2025 official TPCi circuit and thus it rewards Championship Points (CPs).

Check out the organizer’s website for information about participation goodies.

Additionally, the best-placed players will receive the following CPs depending on final attendance:


The San Juan Special Championships is an official TPCi Regional-level event for Pokémon VGC, TCG and Pokémon GO. It is the first and only Special and sixth Regional-level event of the 2025 season in the North American circuit.

The ruleset is VGC Regulation Set G, and it is played using open team lists.

A little bit of history

Puerto Rico has been part of the North America region of the official TPCi circuit for many years, as per its status as a territory of the United States. It has hosted multiple Special Events. Puerto Rico’s greatest VGC success is the second place achieved by Quentin Colón at the 2019 North America International Championships in the Seniors Division.

The most recent tournament held in Puerto Rico was the 2024 San Juan Special Event, also played with the VGC Regulation Set G in May 2024. The finals saw Puerto Rican Kenneth Tirado defeat US Virgin Islander Jahnoi Wilson to win his first major event title!

Sign-up instructions

Sign-ups for the event are done through the Play LATAM platform, and you will first need to set up your Play LATAM profile and have a Play! Pokémon Player ID.

Sign-ups are $35 USD, and they open on 26 October 2024 at 19:00 AST (23:00 UTC). There are 160 spots for Masters players, 32 for Senior players and 32 for Junior players. Originally, only 100 + 32 + 32 spots were released, but new spots opened up on 14 December 2024 for a total of 250 + 65 + 65, a number later revised to the final numbers on 24 January 2025.

If the player cap is not reached, sign-ups close the week before the event starts, on 6 February 2025 at 23:59 AST (7 February at 03:59 UTC).

Victory Road